What is a Mystery School
These schools of thought were great mystic universities and centers for learning. They were institutions for helping humans to find their higher nature, teaching philosophy and spiritual practices. As well as helping guide souls through initiations, and rituals, that lead us back to the principles from which we descended.
When understanding the role of Mystery Schools throughout history it’s important to start in the days of the old world when they first began. From recorded history we know that they began in Babylon, then to Egypt, and the East, eventually traveling to places like Greece with sages such as Pythagoras, his mentor Pythia (he was initiated into the mysteries by Pythia, which is how he gained his name Pythagoras) and the Eleusinians.
The ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools were idolized by the Greeks, and the Greek mysteries were worshiped by the Romans. They are the birthplace of science and mathematics, philosophy, performing arts, and the liberal arts. Being created to studying the mysteries of life and death, revealed only to the select initiates. These mystic initiates gained wisdom by direct experience through the rituals and ceremonial teachings.
As the Christians traveled with the soldiers during the crusades they brought back with them these teachings to Europe, subsequently becoming the inspiration for all western Esotericism. There is even rumors that Yeshua learned at the Mount Hermon Mystery School.
Although it’s cute to see certain influencers use the term “My body is my Mystery School” and there is some truth to that, what it shows me is that they don’t have any true understanding of Esoteric wisdom otherwise they wouldn’t be spreading such sentiments. There is a foundational aspect to the teachings of our inner temples, therefore our bodies and the earth is a mirror of the great mystery school- but this can not replace the experience of undergoing deep initiation and ritual from an adept that can guide the way while sharing their wisdom.
Its also important to not undermind the way in which ancient Mystery Schools have shaped society, or the beauty of the newly established modern temples dedicated to the great purpose. May we celebrate those who have taken the energy to study hidden knowledge, while choosing to spend their time holding space for others to learn. To those who anchor temples and sacred space for realizing each individual is a spark of the one fire of life. Those who continue to grow from the fertile soil of ancient mysticism, as we cross the threshold of realization.
Yes “Your body is your Mystery School” but don’t be tricked into not searching for actual Mystery Schools that can help deepen your understanding and knowledge of the hidden mysteries of the old. We all deserve an outlet for higher learning, and guidance, and for initiation. So if you have seen the memes floating around with such quotes I hope it inspired your intrigue to find a real life Mystery School to learn from.
You are all welcome to learn at Askanda Natha Mystery School with an open loving heart.
These schools of thought were great mystic universities and centers for learning. They were institutions for helping humans to find their higher nature, teaching philosophy and spiritual practices. As well as helping guide souls through initiations, and rituals, that lead us back to the principles from which we descended.
When understanding the role of Mystery Schools throughout history it’s important to start in the days of the old world when they first began. From recorded history we know that they began in Babylon, then to Egypt, and the East, eventually traveling to places like Greece with sages such as Pythagoras, his mentor Pythia (he was initiated into the mysteries by Pythia, which is how he gained his name Pythagoras) and the Eleusinians.
The ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools were idolized by the Greeks, and the Greek mysteries were worshiped by the Romans. They are the birthplace of science and mathematics, philosophy, performing arts, and the liberal arts. Being created to studying the mysteries of life and death, revealed only to the select initiates. These mystic initiates gained wisdom by direct experience through the rituals and ceremonial teachings.
As the Christians traveled with the soldiers during the crusades they brought back with them these teachings to Europe, subsequently becoming the inspiration for all western Esotericism. There is even rumors that Yeshua learned at the Mount Hermon Mystery School.
Although it’s entertaining to see certain influencers use the term “My body is my Mystery School” and there is some truth to that, what it shows me is that they don’t have any true understanding of Esoteric wisdom otherwise they wouldn’t be spreading such sentiments. There is a foundational aspect to the teachings of our inner temples, therefore our bodies and the earth is a mirror of the great mystery school- but this can not replace the experience of undergoing deep initiation and ritual from an adept that can guide the way while sharing their wisdom.
Its also important to not undermind the way in which ancient Mystery Schools have shaped society, or the beauty of the newly established modern temples dedicated to the great purpose. May we celebrate those who have taken the energy to study hidden knowledge, while choosing to spend their time holding space for others to learn. To those who anchor temples and sacred space for realizing each individual is a spark of the one fire of life. Those who continue to grow from the fertile soil of ancient mysticism, as we cross the threshold of realization.
Yes “Your body is your Mystery School” but don’t be tricked into not searching for actual Mystery Schools that can help deepen your understanding and knowledge of the hidden mysteries of the old. We all deserve an outlet for higher learning, and guidance, and for initiation. So if you have seen the memes floating around with such quotes I hope it inspired your intrigue to find a real life Mystery School to learn from.
You are all welcome to learn at Askanda Natha Mystery School with an open loving heart.